Galeri Kampus Universitas Ciputra Surabaya
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Universitas Ciputra is focused on creating graduates who excel both in academic competence and in entrepreneurship. The founder of this university is concern over the fact that so many skilled labours in Indonesia still unable to get decent jobs or to adapt to the ever-changing needs in modern society. Therefore, on top of the academic competences prescribed by the national standard, the university provides a compulsory entrepreneurship education. The Entrepreneurship Education at Universitas Ciputra serves as our Liberal Arts education. All of our students learn to develop the necessary thinking skills and social capabilities to become problem solvers to the real need of different communities.Students are expected to be able to develop entrepreneurial mindset and skills to recognize real needs and create opportunities by leveraging their academic competences and creativity to create innovative solutions and to effectively organize the necessary efforts to deliver the solution to meet the need. The delivery of this entrepreneurship education employs project based learning. These entrepreneurial capabilities will help our graduates to create values in whatever community they are in.We believe that this mindset and capabilities will not only provide our graduates with a distinction in the job market, but also the ability to create jobs and to cope with disruptions that will become the new normal in the near future.
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